The Dream Weavers Manifesto

There is something rising up from the muck and the fog and the dark of life. Something that scares the holy hell out of most everyone it touches at first. Something so powerful that it threatens to upend every single thing about the way we live and move in the world.

But there is no stopping it…no stopping HER.

The Wild Feminine is coming home:
home to our hearts
home to our bodies, and
home to our souls.

The only question is whether you will willingly offer all you have to the Her that is You or whether you will burn in the fire of your own resistance.

Another world is not only possible, she is on her way.
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.
― Arundhati Roy

Dream Weavers are women who have made the conscious commitment to let the Wild Feminine into our lives.

We know well the assets and limits of our egos and have placed both in service to the She-go.

We are rolling out the red carpet for the Queen of Fire that has begun to smolder in our hearts.

We know we are not perfect, and we don’t mind.
We know our magnificence, but are not fooled.
We know our shadows, but are not controlled.

We know nothing we do matters, and everything we do matters.
And we’re down with that. In fact, we are turned on by that.

We get still enough to hear the guidance of our inner compass, liberated enough to act on it, and sovereign enough to invite others to join us.

As Dream Weavers, we are tuned in to our inner Pulse. We see the inner weaving that is being asked of us. We understand that any outer weaving we do is the second act of our life-play. And when we find ourselves hooked by the fray of life, we move inward, joyfully or grudgingly.

We have been asked to let go of everything we thought mattered. She has demanded that we give it all to Her, without reservation. And we have. Or we have watched in horror as it was ripped from our hands, claw marks and all.

Some of us feel nearly dead from slow dripping poison and pain of a life bereft of authenticity. Others have been broken hard on the rocks of our life so that our very bones seem to have disappeared. All so She could have Her way with us.

And like the Phoenix, we have begun, slowly, to rise from the ashes of her Wild Fire. We have been transformed, our bodies and blood transmuted.

The blood of the Wild Feminine now courses through our veins, beats our hearts. She has brought new life, new meaning, and new focus to our world.

And we honor her by Weaving Her Dream into Reality.


The Truth No One Told Me – I am Alone