The Art of Being Financially Sovereign

I have tried a lot of different ways to create sustainable financial flow in my life. And this year I think I finally found the formula that is working right for me!

It’s a combination of 8 powerful prosperity principles that I focus on to help myself stay in the prosperity zone, even on days that seems impossible.

I used to have a really unpleasant relationship with money. In fact, it would stress me out so much that I used to actually say, “I hate money!” I constantly wished I lived in a world where I didn’t have to have any. You can imagine that money (which is just another kind of consciousness) didn’t want to come hang with me when that was my thinking.

But it wasn’t money I hated - it was the money stress I felt in my system on a daily basis that I hated. And the stress was a direct result of the shadow beliefs and stuck energy I had about money that I didn’t even know were sabotaging me. Once I discovered what was going on and got the beliefs and energy to move, the stress moved, and lo and behold, money became my FRIEND!

Our self-sovereignty simply isn't complete until we have a positive relationship with money. Whether we struggle to make ends meet, overwork out of fear of not having enough, or keep falling short of our prosperity potential, we have to address the root causes that keep us stuck.

Are you working your body in an unsustainable way?
Are you compromising your health and happiness in an effort to make money?

There is another way. As women, it is vital that we learn to live and work in a way that harmonizes with our energy body rather than drains it. Not only will we be healthier and happier, but we will experience greater levels of abundance and flow as we tap into our super-power of receiving.

Join me on 11/12/2020 for a 90 minute class to learn the art of being financially sovereign. I will go over the prosperity principles that have helped me triple my business income this year:

The Four Principles of Realization: Receptivity, Resilience, Rest, and Reward


The Four Principles of Amplification: Attitude, Attention, Alignment and Action

PLUS we will look at the 8 Prosperity Pitfalls we have to avoid when tapping into the 8 Prosperity Principles!

And finally, we will do an anointing and activation ceremony to clear and align your energy system to support you in opening to receive the flow of abundance in your life. 

If you are ready to embrace your financial sovereignty, jump on it!

Visit to learn more and Register. Just $22


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The Priestess Life