Don’t Lose your Shizzle in Times of Chaos

What a year this has been. As we move into these last seven weeks of 2020, we may all be feeling a bit tender right now. It’s been a slog, and while some things are definitely looking up, others may not be. 

 No matter where in the world you call home, the pain and challenges facing our human family this year can’t help but break us open. We have so much to tend to. Life in a pandemic is taking its toll.

The greatest gift we can find in times like these is the tender love of Spirit. As we open to that love, it fills our hearts and we in turn can offer love to others whose hearts are tender too. That’s how we become a force for love in a world in need. 

Finding a place of trust when life is uncertain can be difficult.  If we want that trust to be real we can’t gloss over the challenging feelings and experiences we are having or have had. The first step in moving into more trust is to take some time to feel deeply. To acknowledge our own tenderness and to allow in love from Spirit. 

  • What areas of your life could use more gentleness and kindness? 

  • Where could you benefit from the sense of Spirit holding you?

  • What spiritual practices do you have that can help you stay present to and hold tenderly these raw places within?

Consider meditation or prayer, working with essential oils and crystals, moving your body as an expression of the pain, or pouring it out into an art project.

As you acknowledge the state of our world, the animals, habitats, and homes lost to fires, the communities battered by enormous storms, allow in the loving presence of Spirit to come in and soothe your tender heart. 

As you acknowledge the tenderness of others, those in need, those who are ill, trapped in poverty, struggling with depression, hurting financially, and those in fear, allow the loving presence of Spirit to flow through you to them, in prayer, word or deed.

As we look ahead with hope, as we celebrate the closing of 2020, let us hold ourselves and each other Tenderly and lean into Trust.

Below is a 22 minute teaching and meditation which will support you in feeling held in Trust. It’s week one from my Spiritual Care Package program. Use the password: CareNow


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