Return to the Expanded Queens Court Plus Much More!


Overview of What is New for Queens’ Court 2023

Opening Virtual Retreat

We begin with full day looking at the sub-optimal shadow adaptions that we took on to survive. From there we will do some deep work to break through the lies of Patriarchy. We will conclude with visioning work to create a magnetic pull toward where each woman wants to be at the end of QC23.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

In order to go deeper into understanding our strengths and shadowy places, Rima will provide you with the MBTI Assessment. She will also support you in learning how this assessment pints the way to a deeper understanding of self.

More Coaching with Rima

The online content available in each module has been expanded so Queens can watch the videos at their leisure - Online Module will open at the start of each unit. This makes more time for a dedicated coaching call where women can bring their challenges and get immediate support.

Quantum Living Shadow Work Class

Having a way to quickly support yourself in shooting out of the shadow queen territory into our Sovereign self is critical for any Queen. With this addition to the program, Rima will share the Quantum Living Process modified for Queens!

Three Returning Queen Calls

Just for the advanced Queens, Rima will host three extra calls for deeper check in and community building. On these calls she will offer advanced content and deeper support only for the year 2/3 Returning Queens in the program. This will allow us to keep deepening into the work.

Closing Virtual Retreat

Pulling it all together, Rima will curate a full day of powerful practices to help anchor in the teachings presented in Queens’ Court. This extra day of deepening will support you in fulfilling your Sovereign potential.

Choose the path that is best for you


Heal Yourself + Heal The World

When you join Queens’ Court 2023 at any level,
Dr. Rima will invest in a Kiva Micro-Loan to a woman in a developing country in your honor.

When paid back, that loan money will get reinvested and continue to support women entrepreneurs around the world for many years to come.


When you enroll at the Full Access or VIP Level, Dr. Rima will sponsor a woman from a war-torn country through the Women-for-Women International program to attend her own 12-month sister-circle program to make her life better.

As you heal, she will heal – thanks to YOU!

I’m in! What's Next?


Please schedule a call with Rima if you are

interested in the Queen Mentor’s program.

On this call you can ask questions and share your

desire to become a mentor for Queens’ Court.

Should it be determined you aren’t ready to join the

Mentoring Program, your deposit will be fully refunded

and you can join at the Full Access or VIP Level instead.

What Sisters Say

about why you should return to
Queens’ Court…

“My first year with Queens’ Court was about connecting with The Goddess, finding my boundaries, and healing. It was like a lifeboat when it felt like my world came crashing down and my relationship was on the verge of ending. I did the shadow work and got all these extra tools so
I could build myself up and be stronger.

This year Queens’ Court was like getting a yacht. I feel like I've really stepped into my sovereignty. I’ve cleared the false beliefs and trauma so now I'm owning it. My life is amazing. I’ve healed so much for myself and my relationship and family, and I’ve gone really, really
deeply into my path of service to the Divine Feminine.”

~ Ahlara Kent, Queen Mentor

“The first year I was in Queens Court resulted in many improvements in my life. I found a safe sister community and started to come out of survival mode. I had no idea how I was going to afford to continue but took a big leap and chose to invest in myself. If you are worried about the investment, ask your own Queens to help. Council with them. If the answer is a yes then expect that they've got you and will help experience Queens’ Court in the way you want.

Look at me now! I hope you can see the magnificent Queen I've become. Better job, better living arrangements, better relationships! As I have gone deeper, I am living the life of my dreams and look forward to receiving even more. I hope you are encouraged to know that you can have it all too! The results you get in your life from this exchange are priceless.”

~ Jen Kay, Queen Mentor

Let’s Go Deeper

There is something truly magical that happens for Returning Queens in the Queens’ Court Program. After a year of getting familiar with the basic concepts, Returning Queens have the opportunity to deepen their mastery with the principles and practices of sacred feminine sovereignty.

Full Access: 12 Online Modules + 7 Yoga Nidra Meditations + 28 Queens’ Council Practices + The Awakening the Queen Retreat + 30 live calls (most Monday nights) + 4 Private Shadow Healing Sessions + 2 Virtual Retreats + The Quantum Living Course + Myers-Briggs Trait Inventory Assessment + Private FaceBook Group
$15,488 Value - Just $388/month

Mentoring Program: All of the above + 7 Skill Building Calls + Co-Facilitating Sister Circles with Staff + 2 Feedback Calls on Facilitation + Blocks to Bliss Shadow Work Training + Eligible to Teach Book Study and /or apply for Staff
$20,488 Value - Just $688/month

VIP Access: All of the above + Level 1, 2, and 3 Bloom Certification Course + 2-Day In-Person Retreat in Las Vegas
$18,888 Value - Just $588/month