Christ Consciousness Trio


This trio is a collection of the three holy oils brought to the Holy Family.

Myrrh oil connects us with the Spirit Chakra (9th chakra). It comes with with an Aventurine gem-stone roller ball. Myrrh was the first of three oils carried by the Magi to the Holy Family at Jesus’ birth. Diffuse to understand and integrate Jesus’ teachings. Use it on the feet to unlock secrets held in sacred places. It can deepen the power of prayer, open channels for wisdom from the four bodies (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical), heal physical issues stemming from being ungrounded and enhances personal authenticity. It is paired with Sandalwood oil to open the second of the 7 Gates. 

Frankincense oil connects us with the Angels Chakra. It comes with a Yellow Jade gem-stone roller ball. Frankincense oil is one of the most powerful oils in existence. It is the second sacred oil brought by the Magi to the Holy Family. It helps us to discern between helpful and unhelpful energies and loved ones who have crossed over. It can help protect us from negative energies in ritual and is especially helpful as a protection in places where death has taken place. It repels negative energies that may be manipulating us. It is paired with Amber Kashmir oil to open the third of the 7 Gates. 

Golden Water oil is a rare and luscious oil that connects us with the Intergalactic Chakra. It comes with a Rainbow Fluorite gem-stone roller ball. Golden Water was the third oil brought by the Magi to the Holy Family. This plant grows in the lands around Mount Sinai. One of its main uses if for Universal and Intergalactic communication. We are not alone in the Universe, and we can bring the wisdom and support that is available to help us in shifting out of stuck patterns. It is extremely potent for healing money wounds and financial issues. It helps provide inner peace. It’s a wondaful oil to put on and sleep with at night. It is paired with the Jasmine oil to open the fifth of the 7 Gates.   

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